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Ride the Color: Presentation on Cycling the Length of Japan

  • Florence Arts and Museums 217 East Tuscaloosa Street Florence, AL, 35630 United States (map)

RIDE THE COLOR: Cycling the Length of Japan

Presentation and slideshow by photographer Michael Parker

March 11, 2025 @ 6:30pm

at the KD Art Center Southall House

Join the Quad Cities Photography Club as they host photographer, Michael Parker. His topic for this meeting will be “Ride the Color”, featuring photographs of his cycling travels across Japan.

Michael Parker graduated from the Art Institute of Atlanta in 1998 where he began specializing in architectural photography. Over 25 years he’s traveled to more than 45 countries building an archive of iconic images. He lived in Chicago, Toronto, and New York from 2007-2018 where he learned traditional bookbinding at the Center for Book Arts. He cycled entirely across the United States, Europe, Taiwan, Iceland, and Japan letting that mode of transit set the scene. He is a dedicated urbanist and cycling advocate for the Muscle Shoals region and believes that Tuscumbia and Sheffield are the best cycling cities in Alabama. Now in Sheffield he continues work in the book, paper, and photographic arts. He also makes short films for the Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area.

This program is free and open to the public. We hope so see you there!

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